- Noise & Weight & Fuel & Radiation & Fire Reduction. At the same time “Hearing is Believing”
- Fire Evacuation Surpasses FAA & EASA Requirements.
- E.M.P. Ionizing Radiation . Pulse= Nuclear detonation high altitude or Sun Solar Flare.Increase in Radation due to weaking of Magentic fields.
- E.M.F. Electromagnetic Fields Non-ionizing Radiation Protection. Clean Air
- Viruses – Bacteria – Protection with Broad Spectrum Pulse Light or Cold Plasma units. A.I.M.S. Medical Solutions Inc.
- Aircraft & Aviation Consulting All Types Worldwide (Protect Your Investment)
- About us
Solar and Comic Radiation has been getting stronger as of result the magnetic fields weakening. More Skin Cancers and more Multiple Sclerosis.
EMP can be caused by a powefull solar flare, A nuclear dentonation in the atmosphere. An aircraft equipped with EMP delivery system. No affect on living organisms but will permanently disable electrical and electronic equipment.
Changes measured by the Swarm satellite over the past 6 months shows that Earth’s magnetic field is changing, weakening 10 Times Faster.
Shades of red show areas where it is strengthening, and shades of blue show areas that are weakening. (Image credit: ESA/DTU)
Solar storms to end tech as we know it? NASA’s shield data raises alarms https://www.businesstoday.in/visualstories/news/solar-storms-to-end-tech-as-we-know-it-nasas-shield-data-raises-alarms-201307-10-01-2025
The Cosmic Radiation levels, cruise was 60,000 feet if the level exceeded the max exposure, aircraft would descend.
Earth’s magnetic field, which protects the planet from huge blasts of deadly solar & cosmic radiation, has been weakening over the past 100 years, according to data collected by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite
Solar Superflares more dangerous than atomic bombs to hit Earth scientists war.
Bombardier Global Express and the Gulfstream aircraft maximum ceiling is 51,000 feet. The Magnetic fields have dropped 10,000 ft very 10 years. The Concorde supersonic airliner last flight was 54 years ago. The cockpit had a dosimeter which monitored radiation levels. A few years ago a test aircraft found radiation too high at 52,500 feet.
CDC Flight from New York to Seattle is equivalent to one chest X-ray.
Facts Corner
The AIMS kits can be custom-fitted for any aircraft type configuration. If you choose the Anti-Radiation option, only the headliners are affected.
Radiation References FAA Advisory Circular AC120-61A
EU OPS 1.680 & JAR ops 1.380
Transport Canada CBAAC #183
EU Policy ISSN 1681-6803 # 156
High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) Effects and Protection By U.S.AirForce Civil
Engineer Center (AFCEC)
In reference to our paper on Multiple Sclerosis. After 7 years we found the main accelerant and the probable cause . The probable cause and the drug formula is the patent process. If you want a copy of the main accelerant 30 pages . Fill out our contact form.